Sleep Apnea Treatment in Orono

If you suffer from chronic snoring and daytime fatigue, you may have sleep apnea. Our dentists can provide custom oral appliances to keep your airway open during sleep and help you get the rest you need. Schedule a consultation today to see if sleep apnea treatment is right for you.

Benefits of Sleep Apnea Treatment



Improved Sleep Quality



Reduced Health Risks



Increased Energy Levels

Here's How It Works

Step 0

Symptom Relief

Wear your night guard each night to keep airways open, reduce snoring, and wake up feeling rested.

Step 0


Consultation and Exam

Meet with our dentists to discuss your symptoms. An exam will assess your airways and bite alignment.

Step 0


Custom Night Guard

Dental impressions are taken to create a custom night guard that comfortably fits your mouth.

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Real Patients,

Real Results

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clean my mouthguard?

Gently brush your night guard each morning with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Rinse it thoroughly with water and store it in its protective case. Bring it with you to dental checkups so your dentist can make sure it still fits properly. With proper care, your night guard can last several years before needing replacement.

What happens if I ignore sleep apnea?

Untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health problems over time. Chronic poor sleep increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, depression and weight gain. Treatment helps you get control of your symptoms so you can sleep peacefully and wake up feeling energized and mentally sharp.

Is it safe to sleep with a night guard?

Yes, sleeping with a properly fitted night guard from a dentist is safe. It is made of soft, flexible material and allows you to breathe normally. You may experience minor discomfort as you adapt to wearing it, but most people adjust within a few nights. Dentist-made night guards are durable and do not pose a choking risk.

Can sleep apnea be cured?

Sleep apnea cannot be permanently cured, but symptoms can be effectively managed with ongoing treatment. For mild to moderate cases, a custom night guard worn during sleep can reposition the jaw and tongue to prevent airway blockage. More severe cases may require a CPAP machine in addition to an oral appliance.

When is sleep apnea treatment necessary?

Sleep apnea treatment is recommended if you regularly snore loudly, gasp for air during sleep, and experience daytime drowsiness and headaches. These symptoms indicate your breathing is being obstructed. A sleep study can provide an official diagnosis, but oral appliance therapy can begin alleviating symptoms right away.